It may surprise most of you to know that at least 6 out of 100 people will have experienced trauma at one point in their life. And when that happens, some people may tend to develop unhealthy habits such as trauma blocking to avoid pain from a traumatic event and as their coping mechanism.
Transcend Recovery Community tackles this condition in the hopes of helping people as a recovery assistance specialist for people with severe trauma and other forms of mental illness.
What is Trauma Blocking?
Trauma blocking occurs when an individual becomes aware of a traumatic experience that was previously blocked out due to the traumatic nature of the experience. This block can trigger emotional and physical reactions such as sweating, rapid heartbeat, or even panic attacks.
People who have unresolved trauma from toxic relationships or had traumatic experiences from a bad emotion or memories from the past may use trauma blocking to avoid feeling pain and use this process in dealing with intrusive thoughts from a past memory that may bring more anxiety and open old wounds from past events.
If trauma survivor cannot process their painful feelings brought about by childhood trauma, for example, this will take an emotional toll on them and may worsen and even lead to depression.
Trauma Blocking Behaviors

People living with the same trauma they've had from a moment in their lives may respond to a past trauma even as a child by using blocking as a temporary relief from nightmares and negative emotions.
However, it proves to be incredibly difficult. Excessive use of blocking may also lead to poor boundaries and the inability to protect oneself from harm because of an unhealthy practice to forget what happened, bringing more harm than good to a person.
Some examples of trauma-blocking behaviors may involve the following:
- Avoidance - emotional avoidance of feelings, memories, and pain of what may happen to them early on, especially as a young child.
- Substance abuse - resorting to drugs and alcohol (or even food) to numb their brain of experiences from the past.
- Disassociation - Detaching one's self from one's thoughts or feelings, focusing on deliberate reflections to allow only positive feelings.
- Emotional numbness - Becoming emotionally flat or numb and not experiencing any feeling in moments or experiences that once made them happy.
- Self-harm - Inflicting pain in one's self as a way to cope with their emotions.
Treatment like trauma therapy can vastly help a person for their own good. This may also greatly improve their mental health and can also bring awareness of their situation to help them make peace with their situation.
In some cases, sober living or transitional housing may also be beneficial to a person with trauma as they learn to handle their trauma and fear better with support and compassion from others.
Healthier Coping Mechanisms
There are healthier ways to deal with trauma without resorting to unhealthy practices as earlier mentioned.
Whether you're recovering from a bad relationship with a partner or former best friend with a narcissistic personality, or having flashbacks/nightmares from a horrible experience from social media, you can still take care of your own life and avoid the sense of helplessness due to your condition.
Here are better ways to cope with your trauma:
- Guided meditation - Alternative therapies that may involve the art of mindfulness and practicing meditation can do wonders for someone as this intertwines their mind and body.
- Therapy - A licensed therapist can provide enlightenment and guidance with your condition.
- Social support - There is comfort in knowing you are seen by others. And support groups can provide this level of support and comfort to an individual.
For some people, luxury sober living may also benefit them in healing better from trauma as they get comfort from luxury amenities, facilities, and services, that you won't get from other forms of residential treatment.
Can Transcend Recovery Community Assist you?
Yes, Transcend can provide the holistic and emotional support you need in dealing with trauma including other mental health issues connected with it. Contact us today to find out how we can help you.