Flakka | Symptoms, Signs, Withdrawals & Treatments

Drug Addiction
Drug Addiction Recovery
Flakka Addiction

Synthetic cathinones or Flakka is sadly a rising problem when it comes to drug addiction at present. With more and more people falling prey to its addictive properties, Flakka as a drug stimulant often causes severe health issues for people with prolonged use.

Join Transcend Recovery Community as we learn more about Flakka and its common signs of misuse, including viable addiction treatment options for people suffering from Flakka addiction.

What is Flakka Drug?

The drug, Flakka, is known as a member of synthetic cathinones that are human-made stimulants. The NIH notes that the substance is found in the Khat plant which is native to East Africa and Arab countries.

The leaves of these plants are traditionally chewed due to their mild stimulant properties. However, human-made versions of synthetic cathinones (alpha pvp) are considered a "dangerous drug" by the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

The common type of synthetic cathinone sold features a cocaine-like appearance (crystal form). It is also known as "gravel" on the streets which teens use for "snacking" to achieve that natural high.

You can see white or pink versions of this alpha pvp or synthetic cathinone compound which when ingested in dangerous amounts may lead to death. It is also a common drug identified by government agencies causing addiction for most people. Addiction treatment is recommended for people who have formed dependence or abuse on this drug.

Side Effects of Flakka?

an addicted man to flakka holding his head and still high with this synthetic cathinones

As bath salts share the same properties as methamphetamines, the dangerous substance produces a "high" similar to other substances or other drugs that are dangerous. Recreational users of the bath salts report experiencing these side effects:

  • increased wakefulness
  • higher sex drive
  • hallucinations
  • a "rush"
  • euphoria

Some of the side effects you can notice in prolonged substance abuse of bath salts include:

  • increased heart rate/palpitations
  • angina (chest pain)
  • hyperthermia (high body temperature)
  • mydriasis (pupil dilation)
  • hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • vessel constriction
  • seizures

The street drug or bath salts may create worse effects on the body long term. Some of these may even be irreparable/massive damage that may include the following:

  • psychosis
  • severe central nervous system issues
  • paranoia (extreme distrust)
  • degradation of the muscle tissue
  • organ failure
  • violent behavior
  • cardiovascular diseases (such as constant high blood pressure)

When someone is suffering from severe side effects, call an attending physician or the emergency hotline right away so that the patient can seek immediate medical treatment.

Signs That Someone is Using Flakka?

Like many substances that are widely circulated, you can definitely tell if someone is under the influence of a specific drug. This is no different when you try to spot whether someone has problems with Flakka use.

It's crucial to remember that the bath salt substance can lead to a dangerous overdose. And we all know that just even a small amount can make or break someone's life and lead to their eventual death.

As a strong stimulant, there are signs that cannot be left unnoticed. Some of these warning signs of bath salts or Flakka use include:

  • Unusual talkativeness
  • Abnormal increase in body temperature
  • Confusion
  • Irrational behavior
  • Changes in the performance at work or in school
  • Unusual high level of alertness
  • Hyperactivity
  • Aggressive behavior
  • Violent Behavior

These common signs as presented by the Drug Enforcement Administration show how one's personality and general behavior can be easily impacted by the drug Flakka. Therefore, it's imperative to talk to a trained professional if you or someone you know is exhibiting these signs of drug addiction.

Flakka Addiction

As the dangerous designer drug can be easily peddled due to its discreet appearance, the street drug can be conveniently bought by people. It would then trigger the start of an addiction problem. People who have a history with other substances or have co-occurring disorders may be at high risk of developing Flakka use and addiction.

As soon as someone develops a dependence on Flakka use, the more they will have a harder time recuperating and might even trigger to develop other mental health conditions as a result. It's important for someone to identify even before their substance use starts to worsen.

When someone fails to see that there is a problem arising from their Flakka use, an intervention can be the next viable solution. A concerned friend or family member may talk to a mental health professional to better help them on how they can convince someone to start a recovery program to address their Flakka abuse or addiction.

Withdrawal Symptoms from Flakka?

Using the synthetic drug, Flakka has become one of the cheap thrills for people who want to get high. The US Drug Enforcement Administration classifies this as a dangerous drug that people can easily access.

People who ingest, snort, vaporize, or have injected these bath salts are prone to developing paranoia and hallucinations. And as with most substance abuse issues, people who attempt to cut themselves from these forms of psychoactive substances will experience having a hard time.

The reason for this is that their body has become so dependent on this substance that they start manifesting uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms that cause a great deal of pain and discomfort.

Some of these include the following:

  • agitation and anxiety
  • altered mood
  • depression that may lead to the development of suicidal thoughts
  • arrhythmia
  • tremors and seizures

People who are having a hard time rehabilitating themselves from this addiction may benefit through the help of relapse prevention programs that are recognized and accredited by the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

Treatment for Flakka

The recovery from Flakka addiction starts by first performing a proper and thorough diagnosis by a trained medical professional to better determine an individual's situation. It will also help the mental health specialist decide the appropriate addiction recovery program for the person.

Over the course of addiction and substance abuse treatment facilitated by treatment centers, it's important to keep track of the patient's response to the program and their progress. A sober coach can guide the patient through their experiences and give them a better perspective on their sober living journey.

Having this arrangement gives them a better understanding of their relationship with drugs, particularly with bath salts, and how addiction took hold of their life.

Always remember that having a history of drugs or drug abuse will never be the end game for anyone (for as long as they don't allow that to happen). If you or someone you love is struggling with their relationship with drugs, don't hesitate to reach out and talk to Transcend Recovery Community's Addiction Recovery Specialist.

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