Many people who are overcoming addiction require various outpatient services and other forms of care. Securing all aspects is not the most straightforward task for the client, as there are hurdles that need a dedicated focus. Managing outpatient treatment, finding a sober living, support group location, benefits registration, keeping appointments, etc., can make the process difficult.
Additionally, the case management support we provide to our clients compounds the motivation to succeed on the road to recovery. There are some groups of people, such as those who have relapsed in the past, who stand to gain from having case managing services in their corner.
Receiving case managing services via a case manager lightens this burden by removing the administrative overhead from the client’s plate. Transcend wants to remind everyone that it is perfectly fine to accept help, whether emotional or medical, especially when it comes from a place of genuine care.
We acknowledge the fact that our clients are no less than human, and mistakes do not define them. All we need to do is assist where necessary to keep their lives in smooth-running order.