How Long Is Typical Outpatient Treatment?

Transcend considers client needs and individual circumstances to be of the highest priority when discussing treatment options for an individual's drug and alcohol addiction. With each client’s requirements being personalized, there is no set duration for how long outpatient rehab treatment lasts.
The general suggestion from professionals is that no program be less than 90 days in length; however, some people are different types of outpatient rehab program plans for over a year. At around 90 days, the brain begins to recover from the damage inflicted by the individual’s substance use. 90 days also provide clients with enough time to form healthy habits and to practice new life skills they have obtained during treatment for their drug or alcohol use from typical rehab facilities.
Statistically, most people in recovery who relapse do so within the first few months of sobriety. To create relapse prevention, Transcend provides continuous support to our clients as they endure one of the most challenging periods of their drug and alcohol rehab process through the inclusion of their family members and exposure to support groups and group counseling.