Depression Hotline Numbers and Guide

High-Functioning Depression
Depression Hotline Numbers

Depression may be a life sentence for people as it usually plays a role in more than half of all suicide attempts in the country. Due to its reputation as a "silent killer," along with its other variants like high-functioning depression, hotlines have played a huge role in helping people turn their lives around.

Transcend Recovery Community is here to share a guide to what hotline numbers you should contact when facing this illness.

National Depression Hotlines

Here are the mental health sources that you may contact should you want to seek treatment for substance use disorders and other mental health issues. Contacting them is easy as you'll be able to connect through mental health professionals who can guide you every step of the way on connecting to support groups or effective treatments.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA) Helpline

  • The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration is an agency within the US Department of Health that leads the efforts for public behavioral health in the country. The agency's mission is to reduce the impact of mental health issues and substance abuse in American communities.
  • Depression Hotline: 1-800-662-4357

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

  • The National Suicide Prevention Hotline gives free and confidential emotional help to people who are experiencing depression or suicidal thoughts. It operates 24 hours and 7 days a week with 200 centers nationwide.
  • Depression Hotline: 1-800-273-8255


  • Samaritans is a humanitarian aid group that has been a haven for those who experience depression and want to talk to someone about how to manage depression. They have been operating for almost 50 years with volunteers who have answered at least 3 million calls, chats, and texts from people experiencing depression. They have also helped 150,000 suicide loss survivors through the years.
  • Depression Hotline: 1-877-870-4673

National Hopeline Network

  • The National Hopeline Network, Suicide, and Crisis Hotline is a program under the Kristin Brooks Hope Center with trained counselors helping people who may experience different types of depression, whether it may be a persistent depression, seasonal depression, or even postpartum depression.
  • Depression Hotline: 1-800-442-4673

Additionally, there are specific depression helplines you may call that address particular concerns. These are the following:

Veterans Crisis Line

  • Rendering support beyond Veterans, the Veterans Crisis Line offers support for their friends and family members with mental health disorders. This national suicide prevention and depression helpline has saved countless lives of veterans and non-veterans alike.
  • Depression Hotline: 1-800-273-8255

The Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender National Hotline

  • Apart from discussing lgbtq issues such as bullying, gender identity, HIV/AIDS, safer sex information, and suicide, they also serve as one of the depression hotlines that lgbtq community members may refer to. They offer a safe space for lgbtq people to share their persistent feelings of depression or whenever they feel they have a depressive episode due to their situation.
  • Depression Hotline: 1-888-843-4564


  • The youth-oriented humanitarian group helps young individuals come to terms with their depression or even mental illness stemming from other issues they may face.
  • Depression Hotline: 1-800-422-4453

What Number Should I Call if I Have Depression?

a man who is suffering from depression is thinking deeply while on a room

There are many ways to reach a national hotline specifically for depression. The numbers listed above are great mental health resources for anyone who tries to locate treatment facilities, or just seek treatment for other mental health issues.

However, if an individual thinks they might hurt themself or are having suicidal thoughts, they can use an emergency hotline (911). You may also try the behavioral treatment services locator by SAMHSA—a valuable resource for crisis centers, treatment centers, and mental health services closest to you.

Can I Send a Text?

Some people don't necessarily feel comfortable talking out loud about their mental illness. In those cases, you can find crisis hotlines that allow individuals to communicate via chatbox or text messaging.

Some of these depression hotlines include the following:

Crisis Text Line

  • By simply contacting this text line, you get comprehensive support for different issues such as gun violence, coronavirus, anxiety, eating disorders, suicide, and most importantly, depression.
  • Here's how to connect:
  • Text HOME to 741741 to connect with a Crisis Counselor

  • The first-ever online crisis center helps people get connected to a mental health professional, depression treatment center, or access to treatment options regarding their depression. Their online crisis chat provides real-time support for people who need help right away.
  • Here's how to connect:
  • Click the "Chat Now" button from the website and within minutes, follow the login instructions, and in minutes, you'll be connected live to a crisis counselor.

Can I Talk About my Problems?

Whether you're feeling sad about a particular situation or you're on the brink of giving up or are just curious to know what the common symptoms are of a particular mental health disorder, you can talk about these issues with a depression hotline counselor.

The team from Transcend Recovery Community, for example, guides the caller and helps them debrief with what they're going through while connecting them to whatever needs they might have, whether it's an inquiry regarding treatment cost, or how to cope with their current mental health concern.

What Questions Will They Ask?

Here are some questions you should expect when talking to a counselor on a depression hotline:

  • "In the past two weeks, how often have you felt down, depressed or hopeless?"
  • "Have you contemplated or had any thoughts of suicide?"
  • "How is the quality of your sleep?"
  • "How are your energy levels most recently?"
  • "Do you like staying at home better than spending time outside and trying out new things?"

Are the Calls Confidential?

All calls are 100% confidential. All depression hotlines understand the severity of every caller's situation and respect their privacy and the sensitivity of their cases. Rest assured, all counselors are trained to discuss concerns like common symptoms or general treatment needed for a mental health issue, such as depression.

Are Depression Hotlines Free to Call?

National hotlines are free to call and offer free advice and counseling to anyone who is suffering due to depression. Depression hotlines may also recommend different programs should an individual decide to progress with their treatment, such as living in a halfway house or even figuring out the right treatment option for their need.

What is Considered a Mental Health Crisis?

A mental health crisis occurs when someone suffering from mental health issues cannot respond or adapt to the daily stresses of their lives. Here are particular signs you should watch out for with someone having a mental health crisis:

  • Neglect of personal hygiene
  • Isolation
  • Abusive behavior (self-inflicted or to others)
  • Mood swings
  • Anxiety
  • Detachment from reality
  • Paranoia

When a mental health crisis occurs, an individual must immediately consult with a medical professional to determine the best course of action for their situation, whether it's inpatient or outpatient mental health programs.

Will I Get Emotional Support?

During a conversation on depression hotlines, counselors are trained to identify key points that would help them provide useful advice and recommendation to someone who is suffering from a depressive episode. But more than just answering questions, these counselors are trained to empathize and provide emotional support to them, assuring them that they're in a safe space to discuss their issues.

For people who are now in their post-rehabilitation stage, mentoring and companioning are beneficial in seeing that these individuals follow through with their recovery program.

Can Transcend Recovery Help You?

Transcend Recovery Community offers help that goes beyond providing advice over the phone through depression hotlines. What we can give is real and solid support, especially during the crucial recovery stages.

Our locations in major cities in the country such as Houston, Los Angeles, and New York, ensure that you can get more convenient and reliable help. We even offer sober living arrangements for individuals under rehabilitation to help them focus better on their recovery.

Contact us today and let our recovery specialists on the line help you and get you started with getting better.

Transcend Recovery Community

Transcend Recovery Community family of sober living homes provides a safe place for those undergoing mental health and addiction treatment to live with like-minded peers. Our community-based approach to sober living (similarly to a halfway house) facilitates an open and welcoming environment, where members, staff and team can provide support and encouragement on the path to a sober and healthy life. Transcend's Los Angeles sober living homes are located in some of the most iconic areas of the city, filled with luxurious and upscale amenities, providing plenty to do for those in our transitional housing community.

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