It's hard to fall in love with the right person. But what if when you find that Mr. or Ms. Right and then find out that they have drug paraphernalia in their belongings? Will you still be in love with that person?
Transcend Recovery Community is here to tackle the topic of why a drug user/alcoholic may not be capable of loving you completely. Read on to find out more.
How Do Addiction-Related Behaviors Affect a Relationship?
Addiction-related behaviors can have a profound impact on a relationship. The behaviors can be either negative or positive, depending on the person and their relationship.
For example, if the addiction-related behavior is negative, it could be something like lying about the amount of alcohol consumed at a party or hiding the fact that you're out late with friends to drink. This would probably hurt your relationship because your partner would feel betrayed, hurt, and confused by your actions.
On the other hand, if the addiction-related behavior is positive, it could be something as simple as making sure that you're always home early to spend time with your significant other. This would probably help your relationship because you're showing your partner that you care about them by putting their needs first before anything else (yourself included).
Types of Addiction that Affect Relationships

Addiction is a tricky thing. It can affect your relationships in many ways, and it can be hard to know what to do when dealing with an addicted person.
There are several types of addiction that may affect relationships:
Substance abuse: Substance abuse occurs when someone uses drugs or alcohol excessively, leading them to lose control over their use. This can cause problems with work or school performance, as well as physical or mental health issues.
Compulsive gambling: Gambling addiction is characterized by uncontrollable urges to gamble, despite negative consequences that result from gambling behavior.
Sex addiction: It comes as no surprise that sex addiction is real. Sex addicts experience extreme preoccupation with sex and intense cravings for sexual activity, which can lead to risky sex or the exploitation of others for sexual purposes.
Video game addiction: This is a type of process addiction that can be sometimes much worse than drug addiction or alcohol abuse all at the same time. When a video game addict succumbs to their compulsive behavior, their partner is robbed of the chance to spend quality time with them.
Alcoholism - People abusing substances such as alcohol and other similar addictive substances are often not in the right mindset or thinking as their brain is altered by the substances they take. This prohibits them from forming intimate relationships with most people.
What Does a Relationship with a Drug Addict or Alcoholic Look Like?
A relationship with a drug abuser or alcoholic can be hard to navigate.
People in relationships with these types of people often feel like they're the only ones going through this, but it's not true—there are many people who have been through your situation, and they've found ways to help their loved ones get clean and maintain sober living.
If you leave things be and neglect your recovery, things may turn for the worse. Here are some things that may happen in your relationship:
- Your loved one may make promises to change but fail to follow through on them. This can be very frustrating and cause you to lose trust in them.
- They may become angry when you try to talk about their addiction with them. It's vital for them to know that this is normal and there's nothing wrong with having these conversations.
- Your loved one might try to hide their drinking or drug use from you by using different places around the house (like upstairs) or hiding things well enough that it takes a while before you realize there's an issue. This is why it's helpful for everyone involved if there is someone else who knows about the addiction who can help keep tabs on things when needed (like family members).
People who abuse substances are prone to feel guilty about their situation because of what they do. That's why if your loved one is addicted to drugs or abuses substances as a means to escape or work on their feelings, it's time to get professional help right away.
Getting outpatient treatment may also help them with their emotional distresses as well as improve the quality of their relations with their loved one.
What to Do if You're in Love with a Person Struggling with Substance Abuse?
Here's what you can do when you think your partner is having issues with drugs or alcohol and even other substance use:
- Know the signs of substance abuse.
- Be aware of your limits and boundaries for helping someone else.
- Educate yourself about addiction, and learn about the options for treatment.
- Find a support system for yourself, so that you don't become isolated from others who can help you cope with what is happening in your situation.
- Keep an open mind about therapy options, but do not force someone into an option they aren't comfortable with or that doesn't match their needs (for example, if they want to go to AA meetings but also want to try medication-assisted treatment).
Most people who are addicted to substance use/drug use may also respond well to outpatient drug rehab as part of their sobriety regimen. They may also benefit from family therapy accompanied by mentoring and companioning.
Additionally, victims of drug abuse and substance use disorder may recover well with the help of sober living. It allows people to learn from their peers through various activities and learning from their own experiences with substance use disorder while in recovery.
Can Transcend Recovery Community Help?
Transcend Recovery Community helps unity Assist People Seeking Help from Drug Abuse and Alcoholism?
Recovering from drugs and substance addiction isn't all about spending so much money. Sometimes, having a strong support system who believes that you will and you can get better is all you need. Every person suffering from the abuse of drugs to get another chance in life through a holistic approach to maintaining sobriety.
You can learn more all about it when you contact us today! Our drugs and substance abuse recovery specialist is on the line to help you with that first step.