50 Tips for Best Sober Living Experience

There are many programs out there that can aid one on their journey towards long-term sobriety. Of course, the best sober living programs are those of which target a specific addiction -- much like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), a meeting program that's highly respected and favored within the recovery community, as well as in every city across America.The following list is a collection of tidbits from some of the best sober living programs around -- the best from everything in a form that’s short and sweet. Some you’ve probably heard and others might be new, bringing inspiration, and motivated action.

  1. Stop making excuses.
  2. Stop blaming others.
  3. Do something for the community.
  4. Don’t get complacent.
  5. Discover what you’re passionate about.
  6. Pursue what you’re good at.
  7. Take pride in taking responsibility for your health.
  8. Don’t live in fear. There are some parts to your life you can control.
  9. Find your humility and recognize your powerlessness.
  10. Seek an in-patient program and take good care of yourself.
  11. Practice abstinence, one day at a time.
  12. Don’t overestimate your control over your addiction.
  13. Exercise on a regular basis and take care of your physical body.
  14. Find and develop healthy relationships.
  15. Make friends with those who lift you.
  16. Reconnect with those that distanced themselves during the addiction.
  17. Reach out to others in recovery.
  18. Lend a helping hand to those just starting the recovery process.
  19. Remember that just because you’re excited about sobriety, you still need to take action.
  20. Be responsible for your own choices and behavior, especially regarding relapse.
  21. Do what works for you, not what others suggest might work well.
  22. Don’t lie to yourself.
  23. Forgive others.
  24. Forgive yourself.
  25. Move beyond feeling bad about yourself. It’s time to take action and heal.
  26. Become more and more self-aware. Learn about addiction and recovery.
  27. Stay busy. Keep your mind off the challenges.
  28. Take on an artistic hobby, as a way to express yourself.
  29. Build a network of support.
  30. Learn to live without alcohol.
  31. Learn to have fun and go out with friends without alcohol.
  32. Take long walks.
  33. Spend time in Nature.
  34. Talk to your parents and siblings.
  35. Take on a social hobby to meet new people – a cooking class, for example.
  36. Pick up old hobbies that you left aside.
  37. Count your blessings and be grateful.
  38. Go back to school to pursue your intellectual interests.
  39. Improve your skills so that you are more attractive in the job market.
  40. Stimulate your mind through reading.
  41. Make a list of the things you want to achieve.
  42. Avoid old dysfunctional friendships.
  43. Avoid old hangouts where you might get pulled into a drink.
  44. Spend more time with your family.
  45. Travel somewhere you’ve never been – expand your horizons.
  46. Get out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself.
  47. Quit smoking.
  48. Don’t get complacent. Keep challenging yourself!
  49. Reconnect with your religious and spiritual roots.
  50. Create the life you want! Start envisioning your future.

Despite this list, there’s still a chance you might relapse. Everyone is vulnerable to his or her weaknesses. Even with a relapse, you can turn it around and return to the best sober living program that suits you and your recovery needs/wants. You can continue to turn your life around. Even if you’re making three steps forward and one step back, at least you’re moving forward. Successful long-term sobriety is possible no matter what your circumstances are now!

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Transcend Recovery Community

Transcend Recovery Community family of sober living homes provides a safe place for those undergoing mental health and addiction treatment to live with like-minded peers. Our community-based approach to sober living (similarly to a halfway house) facilitates an open and welcoming environment, where members, staff and team can provide support and encouragement on the path to a sober and healthy life. Transcend's Los Angeles sober living homes are located in some of the most iconic areas of the city, filled with luxurious and upscale amenities, providing plenty to do for those in our transitional housing community.

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