We're positive that most of you here have typed and searched for "how long does GHB stay in your system?" including relevant keywords such as overdose, sexual assault, and others associated with GHB.
We are here to shed light and give you everything you need to know to keep you armed about what to expect with GHB addiction. Read on to find out more.
How Long Does GHB Last in the Body and by Type of Drug Tests?
Drugs like GHB stay in your system and may show up and linger for various periods, ranging from an hour to seven hours, up to one month or more even. Drug tests detect GHB and help in identifying traces of the substance in your body, such as in the blood, saliva, urine, or hair.
GHB in Urine Tests
A urine drug test can trace GHB presence up to 12 hours since the last dosage. Some tests may show that GHB is most detectable within two and five hours.
GHB in Hair Follicle Tests
As hair tests are considered the most reliable form of testing, unfortunately, there is no reliable hair test for detecting GHB.
GHB in Saliva Tests
A saliva drug test is less reliable than a blood or urine test. The drug is detectable within 10 minutes post-consumption. However, the drug may remain for up to four hours to six hours post-ingestion.
GHB Detection in Blood Tests
Unlike urine or saliva tests, blood tests are the most reliable in identifying "how long does GHB stay in your system." It can last for up to 3 days (72 hours), but concentration may peak at 30 minutes after ingesting.
What is GHB?

GHB or gamma-hydroxybutyrate is considered a "central nervous system depressant" or CNS. It comes by different street names such as "club drug," "liquid ecstasy," and the "date rape drug." The substance is common in the youth as they are prevalent in bars, clubs, and "raves" or night-long dance parties.
Users usually lace alcoholic drinks with HGB and people who ingest this chemical reportedly experience a euphoric high, increased sex drive, lowered inhibitions, and tranquility (a side effect shared by marijuana). However, people may also experience adverse side effects like sweating, fainting, nausea, hallucinations—or worse, coma, for people who have succumbed to overdose. These may last for up to seven hours.
As GHB is a naturally occurring metabolite, others believe GHB drugs promote cell growth and reduce fat build-up. The Drug Enforcement Administration considers GHB a very dangerous drug as it is known as a sexual assault or date rape drug and an overdose may lead to fatalities.
Most standard drug tests are used to detect GHB, the dangerous drug also responsible for most sexual assault-related cases. The half-life of GHB is estimated to be around 30 to 60 minutes before the last dose.
Determining Factors on How Long GHB Stays in Your System
As illicit drugs like Percocet stay in your system, the actual duration for it to linger in your body would vary depending on a myriad of factors. Medical experts look into various factors to ascertain the appropriate treatment option to be administered to recovering individuals. Let's take a look at some of those variables in further detail.
Age - Understandably, this factor plays an essential role in how our body processes GHB use. If someone, particularly a young adult, were to use the drug many times, they are better at processing GHB than someone older, particularly a senior above 60 years of age.
Amount of drug use - People who take the drug in large doses, whether for recreational or medical use, will surely have built up traces of the chemical in their system. It puts them at risk for various diseases, including liver and kidney malfunction.
Frequency of drug usage - If you use this drug many times, it will considerably take a toll on your body. Just a regular dose will increase your chances of addiction, making it harder for the substance to be rid of by your body.
Organ Function - People with poor-performing liver and kidneys will understandably have a harder time processing the substance inside their body—more so if they engage in other substance use such as alcohol. As you put more chemicals in your body, it gives your kidneys and liver a harder time metabolizing GHB.
GHB's half-life - GHB has a ½ life of about 30 to 60 minutes. It simply means that you're able to get rid of half of GHB from your body around this timeframe.
What Happens When You Stop Taking GHB?
Many people have contemplated stopping their addiction either with their excessive alcohol intake or substance use. But regardless of whether you've taken Fentanyl or cocaine, and plan on stopping substance use or addiction for good, there are some things that you should heed.
Below are the common symptoms of withdrawal that people usually encounter.
- Anxious state
- insomnia
- Palpitation
- hypertension
- psychosis
- Mood changes
- Aggression
While some of these symptoms are manageable, others may cause worsening issues, especially for patients, in the long run. A few people may also encounter adverse physical symptoms that may cause greater harm. When this occurs, always consult your doctor and call for immediate medical help.
About GHB Misuse and Addiction Treatment
GHB drug addiction is never an easy thing to stop. It takes more than willpower and discipline to succeed in your treatment regimen. It takes further understanding and introspection to help people make peace with their addiction problems as part of their treatment regimen.
Medical professionals also trace a person's history to further understand where the addiction is stemming from. Once they can identify the roots of one's drug addiction, it will become easier for them to exact the fitting treatment option for a rehab patient.
- Family History - A huge part of a person's troubled past is having a dark past with their family. Usually, victims of abuse consider family factors to their drug addiction.
- Mental Health problems - People who already have pre-existing mental health conditions, unfortunately, have a hard time seeking help and eventually succumb to drug addiction as their only source of treatment and escape.
- Stress - Coping with high-pressure situations and constant stress takes a toll on your central nervous system. That's why it's not surprising to see people succumb to GHB drug addiction.
Citing these reasons, we now move toward possible modes of treatment for people suffering from GHB substance use and addiction. These are the following:
- Outpatient program - People intentionally heal better outside the confines of a treatment facility. Sometimes, staying at home and then going to the treatment center for weekly or daily sessions may prove to be beneficial for others in rehab.
- Group therapy - There's a sense of community and belongingness in participating in support groups as part of your treatment. People in recovery have enjoyed the benefits of peer support groups for their continuous treatment of addiction.
- Inpatient program - People who may need a more intensive approach to their treatment may find that staying in a facility will help them in their long-term addiction recovery. They may also find comfort in staying at a "halfway house" to ensure that their rehabilitation is closely monitored and guided.
You can consult a rehab expert to find the most suitable option for you, alongside further details (like payment options), and if health insurance covers these types of arrangements.
How To Get Help from GHB Addiction?
If you feel stuck in seeking help for your GHB addiction, the time has come to change how you see recovery. Centers like Transcend Recovery Community go the extra mile in helping people with their GHB use and addiction.
From affiliate rehab programs and centers to recovery apartments, you are given the power to choose what you think is the best for your situation. Talking to a recovery specialist allows you to be familiar with the programs that are at your disposal.
You'll even hear testimonials from people who have gone through the same situation and turned their lives around thanks to the help of a great rehabilitation program. Don't let your life continuously go to waste. Grab that chance to long-term sobriety and contact us and our recovery specialists today.