If you're asking "how long does Percocet stay in your system?" and don't seem to be satisfied with the answers you are finding online, you've come to the right place to be enlightened further. Transcend Recovery Community has consolidated useful and verified information to help you understand Percocet better. Continue reading below.
How Long Does Percocet Last in the Body and by Type of Drug Tests?
Detecting the presence of Percocet in bodily fluids may be tricky to ascertain. But with the reliability of many drug tests nowadays, people can easily determine how long drugs like Percocet stay in the system.
Percocet in Urine Tests
These types of tests may yield results that detect Percocet for up to 4 days. It's a drug test used by some organizations or testing labs at present.
Percocet in Hair Follicle Tests
Prescription opioids like Percocet can be detected by a hair test (in your hair follicles) for up to 3 months (90 days), it's a reliable drug test available at present to see if someone has indeed taken Percocet medication in higher doses.
Percocet in Saliva Tests
Just like urine tests, it will take at least 96 hours for Percocet to be detected in your spit. It's usually employed by organizations undergoing random drug testing in the workplace, or for people undergoing rehabilitation.
Percocet Detection in Blood Tests
A blood test is the least reliable drug test there is as it can only detect traces for up to 24 hours prior to the first dose.
What is Percocet?

Percocet is a combination drug which contains the active ingredient oxycodone and acetaminophen. The short-acting oxycodone is responsible for altering your brain's response towards pain. Meanwhile, acetaminophen is used to reduce fevers. Ultimately, it is used for pain relief or to provide a temporary solution for severe pain.
Lately, since some people abuse the drug, other doctors restrict prescriptions (for even half a dose) when it comes to Percocet use, especially in higher doses as it may last for four to six hours in the system.
Determining Factors on How Long Percocet Stays in Your System
Percocet is just one of those state-controlled or illegal drugs similar to Vicodin, that share the same effect when it comes to "how long does Percocet stay in your system." When someone undergoes addiction treatment for the first time and they wean themselves from drug use, this becomes more apparent.
There are many factors considered to determine the duration of Percocet in one's body, and it may surprise you that these are things that are easily perceptible. Let's walk through each of them one by one.
Kind of drug used - Whether you're using suboxone or Adderall, the type of drug you're using will certainly dictate "how long does Percocet stay in your system." Downers and uppers will definitely have a variable effect on your body and you should inform your attending physician or recovery specialist.
Medical conditions - People who have comorbidities or poor organ function (such as failing kidney or liver function) will understandably handle drugs worse than people who are generally healthy.
Presence of other drugs or co-existing substance abuse - This will definitely affect the time drugs leave one's system if a person is under the influence of another substance use disorder (alcohol abuse) as the body will take double the time to process many illegal substances.
Percocet's half-life - the drug's average half-life is estimated at 3.5 hours. This will severely impact how a person may eliminate the drug inside their body prior to their last dose.
Metabolic rate and body type - people who are overweight and have lower metabolism may have a harder time processing the chemicals of this prescription medication. One of the possible reasons is that traces of the substance may cling to their body's fatty tissues.
Drug tolerance - Someone who has constantly abused prescription opioids, whether for medical or recreational use, will understandably have drug buildup in their system. Once they experience drug tolerance, they will definitely have a longer time processing Percocet in their body.
Age - Younger adults can visibly rebound from drug use better than older people, especially those above 60.
What Happens When You Stop Taking Percocet?
People who are planning to quit substance abuse with Percocet or intending to undergo mental health treatment should be aware of the possible withdrawal symptoms that they may encounter--ranging from mild or subtle to serious and extremely painful or uncomfortable.
However, people should understand that not everyone shares the same withdrawal symptoms as any other people. We are all built uniquely. Therefore, what one might be experiencing may not necessarily be experienced by another person during detoxification.
But to further illustrate what those withdrawal symptoms are, here are the commonly-known physical manifestations that people encounter during addiction treatment for prescription medications.
- respiratory depression, characterized by tiredness and breathing problems (shallow breathing)
- physical health issues:
- joint aches
- tremors
- nausea and vomiting
- Mental health risks, such as:
- depression
- anxiety
- trauma
While some of these symptoms are mild by nature, it's still important to seek professional medical advice to ensure that you are able to manage these symptoms efficiently and safely. You must inform your medical provider and seek immediate medical attention if you are experiencing adverse withdrawal symptoms, especially associated with depression.
Here are ways you can better manage your withdrawal signs:
- Commit to your detox program - You can become better at handling your withdrawal by remaining consistent with your addiction treatment program. Talking to medical professionals from addiction treatment centers allows you to understand the appropriate treatment options for your situation
- Observe a balanced diet and exercise - you are your body's partner when it comes to a healthy change. Ensure that you feed the right nutrient-rich foods and engage in moderate exercises as advised by treatment facilities or treatment centers.
- Join a support group or have a sober companion - American addiction centers highly recommend this when someone is seeking treatment for the first time. Having someone with you who understands you and keeps you grounded and aligned to your recovery journey will ensure better chances of long-term sobriety
- Practice mindfulness and meditation - A brief mindfulness exercise or meditation for under 5 minutes can quickly boost your mood and outlook when it comes to your addiction treatment.
Going "cold turkey" doesn't need to be a death sentence. As long as you understand your body well and heed to what it needs, you'll recover better and even succeed in achieving long-term sobriety in the long run.
About Percocet Misuse and Addiction Treatment
Drug abuse may be different for other people, especially when comparing Percocet with other drugs. But as with any addictive substances or compounds (or any other opioid), substance abuse can be traced to triggers or various factors that influence a person's decision on drug abuse.
Here are some of the common reasons for people who engage in Percocet misuse.
- Environment - publications and studies have already attested to the huge influence of the environment when it comes to someone's addiction. People who are within the sphere of drugs in their community have a higher chance to fall prey to addiction.
- Relationship issues - it applies to a broader scope and is not limited to romantic relationships. Toxic relationships at work and at home can also cause someone to resort to drug addiction to cope with their problem.
- Peer/societal pressures - people who are easily influenced by their peers or give in easily to the rigors of society may be more vulnerable with more Percocet addiction as it has the same effect as any other opioids.
With these in mind, there are many addiction treatment centers that are specifically geared toward providing quality care for those seeking addiction treatment. Many of these facilities treat moderate to severe drug addiction with a better understanding of what an individual needs.
These treatment programs may include the following:
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy - correcting bad habits and the wrong thinking or feelings associated with addiction is what usually is done with this type of program.
- Inpatient/Outpatient drug rehab - people who have varying needs and drug addiction problems may opt for a stay-in or outpatient service, depending on their comfortability level and the recommendation of their mental health and recovery specialist.
- Group therapy - People who have the chance to talk about their addiction problems and concerns in a wider circle with like-minded people who have undergone the same path will help them understand and be attuned to their own recovery journey better.
How To Get Help from Percocet Addiction?
Getting help from Percocet addiction and going cold turkey may seem like a distant dream for some, but not if you have the right means or appropriate connections to help you get better help.
American addiction centers, such as Transcend Recovery Community, commit themselves to provide the right help for people as they battle their way out of drugs. There are different centers from Los Angeles to Houston, to cover your sober living needs regardless of your area.
Living in recovery homes specializing in long-term sobriety ensures that someone gets the right help that they need when it comes to rehabilitation.
Should you or someone you know need help, don't hesitate to make that call. You may message a recovery counselor and get you fast-tracked to a purposeful life filled with sobriety.