Transcend Recovery Community has curated information to answer the question, "How long does DMT stay in your system?" From DMT use to additional information about the detection of psychedelic drugs (blood tests/blood test sampling and saliva testing), this article is the only resource you would need. Read on to find out more.
How Long Does DMT Last in the Body and by Type of Drug Tests?
DMT lab tests are the surest way to identify the answer to "How long does DMT stay in your system?" Any type of substance abuse problem may be found through a drug test. Detecting DMT has become easier now with advancements in these testing platforms.
DMT in Urine Tests
A urine test may detect urine DMT metabolites for about 24 hours.
DMT in Hair Follicle Tests
Standard hair tests can detect DMT for up to 90 days (3 months). Hair testing is often used to determine long-term presence and addiction in people.
DMT in Saliva Tests
Saliva testing can detect DMT substance abuse for about an hour. It's not the typical drug test used by most authorities.
DMT Detection in Blood Tests
As drugs like DMT stay in your system shorter in the bloodstream, the estimated duration post-DMT use is only one hour.
What is DMT?

DMT (N-Dimethyltryptamine) is an endogenous hallucinogen or hallucinogenic drug that leaves severe brain effects in people with prolonged use. It is often synthetically made and sold in the form of a white/yellow crystalline powder.
The psychedelic drug monitored heavily by the US Drug Enforcement Agency comes in various street names such as:
- "Fantasia"
- "Businessman's trip"
- "Spiritual molecule"
The substance is said to originate from South America and is a common ingredient for ayahuasca tea. People may report feeling out-of-body experiences during a DMT trip. It can be taken orally or via intravenous injection or intramuscular injection.
Further studies have been done to identify its effects on healthy subjects, alongside its key findings that may help future research.
Some of its common side effects include:
- serotonin syndrome
- depersonalization
- floating
- vivid hallucinations
It may also trigger people to get:
- Dilated pupils
- chest tightness
- paranoia
As one of the heavily regulated psychedelic drugs on the market, DMT has a half-life of 15 to 30 minutes when injected, ingested, or inhaled.
Determining Factors on How Long DMT Stays in Your System
As soon as you or someone close to you struggling with their DMT abuse decides that enough is enough, withdrawal should take place. However, before one can do so, one should first understand that surrounding factors influence how long drugs like DMT stay in their system.
These factors are most common for substance abusers regardless of their background or situation. Here are some of the determining factors that they should watch out for.
- DMT half-life - While DMT half-life is relatively unknown, most estimates point towards 15 minutes for injected DMT in the system.
- Age - Younger people have developed stronger bodies that can withstand DMT effects. Meanwhile, older people, especially in their 60s have weaker systems that can process the drug.
- Liver and kidney function - Renal and hepatic systems play a huge role in metabolizing a DMT drug. People who have these poor functioning organs will certainly struggle longer-term.
- Dual diagnosis disorders - A person's system is affected immensely by the presence of one or more issues, whether they're mental health issues like PTSD treatment and depression or alcoholism on top of their DMT use.
What Happens When You Stop Taking DMT?
Many synthetically produced drugs like Ativan share similarities in how the body processes the substance. Much can be said when it comes to withdrawal as well.
People may experience a wide range of withdrawal symptoms starting from mild to severe once they cease their physical dependence on the drug. Here are some of the common examples of withdrawal signs you must watch out for.
- Increase in blood pressure/heart rate
- Sweating profusely
- Angina (chest pain)
- Psychosis
- Irrational behaviors
- Anxiety
- Dizziness coupled with vomiting.
While most withdrawal symptoms are manageable and would just last for a couple of days, people suffering from life-threatening symptoms should inform their attending recovery specialist about this right away.
About DMT Misuse and Addiction Treatment
Drug addiction comes in many forms and doesn't always favor a particular substance. So whether it's gold cap mushrooms or N-dimethyltryptamine, substance abuse would more or less look the same.
But for the case of a drug like DMT, there are specific symptoms of abuse that a concerned individual may look into when a suspected friend/colleague/partner/family member has succumbed to prolonged drug use.
Take a look at some of the most common and noticeable signs of DMT misuse from people suffering from drug abuse.
- Warped sense of space and time
- out-of-body experience
- Extreme hallucination
- Altered visual space
- Altered auditory perceptions
- Detachment
- Isolation from friends/families/drug addiction
- financial problems brought about by drug issues
- Failing grades/poor performance at work
The longer drugs stay in your system, the harder it would be for you to achieve long-term recovery. You can end drug use by considering the following treatment placement tailored to an individual's specific conditions. These may be:
- dialectical behavior therapy
- outpatient drug rehab
- alternative forms of therapy such as music, art, or even animal therapy
- spiritual guidance
- group or one-on-one sessions
- life skills building and development
- sober living
To avoid relapse, it's also useful to allow recovering individuals to transition slowly with the help of recovery homes to monitor their progress overall.
How To Get Help from DMT Addiction?
Do you feel alone in your struggles with addiction? Do you think that no one sees or hears your plea? The truth is there will always be help that may come through.
Complementary or supporting recovery programs offered by rehabilitation partners like Transcend Recovery Community make that possible. It starts with an initial consultation with a recovery specialist who would then connect you to a licensed mental health professional diagnosing an individual properly first before recommending any sort of treatment program for their drug use.
Once that's done, a step-by-step system will be introduced to help body processes by struggling individuals to be weaned from drug use.
You can contact us today to learn better about how this will work. Together, let's build a well-shaped life that you deserve.