The CDC states that 1 in 3 antibiotic prescriptions are unnecessary. As a consequence, antibiotic misuse has become more common leading to more severe hospitalizations and deaths in the country. Same with Bactrim and alcohol, Transcend Recovery Community surveys how this combination can endanger lives while discussing how it may impact a person's overall health and wellbeing. Read to learn more.
Is It Safe to Take Bactrim with Alcohol?
Although some experts might argue that mixing alcohol while taking Bactrim or any form of antibiotic prescription doesn't interfere with its efficacy, it's always better to be careful with how you treat medications and substances altogether.
For one, if you experience chronic alcohol abuse, you are already putting yourself at greater risk for long-term and irreparable organ damage, this can be later on worsened by taking antibiotic drugs. People engaged in alcohol abuse or excessive drinking are also prone to developing or worsening mental health problems.
It's highly likely that a person engaged in mixing Bactrim while drinking alcohol can experience mental distress that could lead to depression or anxiety disorder. It's always important to be on top of your health and be responsible in taking your prescription.
For milder cases, it's best to finish your antibiotic course before resuming consuming alcohol.
What is Bactrim?
Bactrim is an antibiotic drug containing sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim. It can be used in treating middle-ear infections, UTIs, and intestinal infections generally. While it works best in bacterial infections, it will not work for viral forms of infections.
It is taken orally and can vary in dosage depending on the physician's prescription. The common side effects associated with Bactrim are:
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Nausea
- Loss of appetite
In some cases, you may experience adverse side effects such as:
- low blood sugar
- extreme drowsiness
- kidney problems
- muscle weakness
- mood changes
- persistent headaches
- neck stiffness
- irregular heartbeat
What Are the Risks of Drinking on Bactrim?

The habit of mixing alcohol with Bactrim may not only cause many side effects but also take a toll on your immune system as a whole. As your body relies on an immune response to fight viral and bacteria-induced infections, it cannot function properly if you are under constant alcohol use.
If you mix alcohol with antibiotics, it also diminishes its potency and ability to treat bacterial infections. Drinking also magnifies the side effects you might feel when under a prescription course of antibiotics.
Mixing Bactrim and alcohol specifically with prescription maintenance medications can also alter its effects in a patient's system. A person might feel weaker or faint, and may even be at a high risk of fatal consequences as a result of mixing alcohol with a combination of drugs.
Taking plenty of rest and adhering to the proper use of antibiotic courses are necessary to help a person nurse themself to health. That also means that they should be responsible for handling their medication obeying the prescription written for them by their medical professionals.
One thing to also note is that if side effects continue to worsen and don't resolve on their own, individuals must immediately seek medical attention. It's also imperative to always check the drug information of any type of prescription they are taking and consult their attending physicians should they have any concerns about usage.
Side-Effects of Bactrim And Alcohol
Bactrim's side effects may vary from person to person. Just the same with the combination of DayQuil & alcohol, a person may experience the presence of a toxic substance, especially if they take several other drugs on the side, whether as a form of recreational abuse or another mental health-induced drug misuse.
Here are the common side effects felt with Bactrim and alcohol:
- Flushing
- Nausea and vomiting
- Respiratory problems
- Headache and migraines
- Palpitations
Note that these side effects may manifest at least 15 minutes post alcohol consumption.
Long-term Bactrim and alcohol side effects may include the following:
- Poorly functioning immune response
- Erratic mood and behavior
- Chronic sleep dysfunction
- Brain damage
- Reduced libido or sexual appetite
- Depression
Dangers of Mixing Drugs with Alcohol
We've all heard medical professionals reminding us every single time that drinking alcohol. Regardless of the quantity, it is not advisable to engage in alcohol use when taking medication. And that is true, whether it's antibiotics or commonly prescribed medications, such as cough syrups, aspirin, or even the occasional paracetamol.
Apart from interfering with our motor and cognitive skills, it brings potentially harmful side effects and serious consequences caused by mixing alcohol with certain drugs. Here are some of the common problems that you may encounter when consuming alcohol while taking antibiotics/antidepressants/painkillers:
- physical symptoms (such as flushing, headaches, nausea, and vomiting).
- elevated blood pressure
- erratic and abnormal behavior
- loss of body coordination
- injuries from accidents
You may also increase your risk of many health complications such as the following:
- liver damage
- cardiovascular problems (heart attack, angina, or chest pain)
- chronic respiratory problems
- depression
Occasionally, alcohol consumption may interfere with the efficacy of medications, such as antibiotics. Drinking alcohol can even cause interactions that may convert a particular drug into a toxic substance.
Even if you drink alcohol in meager amounts, you can still get yourself into serious consequences caused by drowsiness and light-headedness, or a tingly feeling that can disrupt your concentration especially when driving or operating heavy machinery.
Is There Bactrim Abuse?
While using Bactrim in itself doesn't cause any harm for a potential addiction, mixing it with alcohol may increase those chances and cause you to spiral down. People may develop drug dependence which results in taking excessive amounts of antibiotics causing resistance longer-term.
One way to address Bactrim and Alcohol misuse is through an inpatient or outpatient treatment program supplemented by sober living residences. This will help an individual focus more on their growth while receiving ample support and care from sober living staff members and residents.
Individuals who are more comfortable with gender-specific residential arrangements, such as women's sober living, may find a safe space for them to recover while preparing for their transition to the outside world.
Can Transcend Recovery Help with Bactrim and Alcohol Abuse?
Although Transcend Recovery Community doesn't have a treatment facility, it partners with its sister programs which focus on key areas of long-term rehabilitation. It supplements these programs by providing halfway house options to recovering individuals to help them get better while receiving spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental support, through life skills training and other forms of productive activities.
You can learn more about how Transcend can change lives for the better. Contact us and let our Recovery Specialists assist you in everything you need to know about long-term sobriety from Bactrim and alcohol misuse.