How Long Does Kratom Stay in Your System?

Kratom Addiction
Addiction Recovery
Addiction Treatment

Transcend Recovery Community is here to answer your question "How long does kratom stay in your system?" We have all the information you need in identifying how Kratom responds to a person's metabolism and system, including possible treatment programs and identifying withdrawal signs. Continue reading to find out more.

How Long Does Kratom Last in the Body and by Type of Drug Tests?

Drug screening is often done in the workplace or academic setting to rule out addiction among students or employees. These may include a blood test, saliva test, urine test, and a hair follicle exam.

Usually, Kratom's effects may last up to 2 hours. However, longer-lasting symptoms may be present when ingesting seven to eight grams of the substance.

Kratom in Urine Tests

Urine testing shows limited detection even if kratom alkaloids may show in a urine test. However, urine tests are not usually used as standard drug tests for this substance.

Kratom in Hair Follicle Tests

At present, there is no current evidence that kratom may be found in hair follicles. Further studies may need to be done to establish this specific Kratom drug test in the future.

Kratom in Saliva Tests

A saliva drug test has the most potential to identify whether substances like kratom stay in the oral fluid. However, this is not often done particularly for KRatom.

Kratom Detection in Blood Tests

At present, blood tests are not usually administered as detection for Kratom is not commonly applied in these drug tests. Further research must be done to back this up.

What is Kratom?

a picture of a kratom plant with full leaves

Kratom is an herbal drug that has opioid-like effects that treat chronic pain. The substance is derived from a tropical tree native to Southeast Asia.

Many studies and experts have started weighing the benefits of kratom as it is believed to be useful in withdrawal management for drugs like heroin, morphine, and even depression. The US Drug Enforcement Administration has classified Kratom as a "drug of concern" while not being listed in the US Schedule of Controlled Substances.

Its half-life is estimated at 23.5 hours or almost a day.

Side effects may include:

  • increased alertness
  • excessive talking/talkativeness
  • boosted energy
  • respiratory problems
  • nausea
  • hallucinations

Long-term use of the drug is often attributed to drug tolerance and symptoms, and may even lead to organ failure, irreparable organ damage, and even death.

Determining Factors on How Long Kratom Stays in Your System

Just like other regulated narcotics, like PCP, there are many factors to be considered when figuring out, "How long does kratom stay in your system?" The reason for that being a person's system may differ from another one as we are all created uniquely.

Additionally, certain variables may influence how long drugs like kratom stay in your system. They may be a combination of factors or maybe just one. But now, let us look at the common factors that are usually seen in a person suffering from Kratom addiction. These may include the following:

  • Body mass index - people with a high body fat percentage have a slower metabolism and may retain kratom metabolites in their fat tissues. Additionally, mitragynine is highly fat-soluble making them retain the said kratom metabolites.
  • Age - People nearing their senior years (60 and up) are more likely to process Kratom slower than younger people. A huge factor would be the renal function that depletes as people age or when taking other substances or drugs.
  • Medical conditions - A person who suffers from autoimmune diseases or has a history of pre-existing conditions may also have a hard time flushing away the toxins and kratom components caused by kratom abuse.
  • Co-occurring disorders - Regardless if it's mental health disorder such as video game addiction, or another drug abuse problem such as Xanax addiction, people who have these disorders will understandably struggle in getting rid of the drug from their body.
  • Food/water intake - taking kratom with an empty stomach or not hydrating yourself enough will visibly affect how your body will process whether you take it in either low doses or higher doses.
  • Kratom half-life - A drug's "half-life" refers to the amount of time the body can expel half of the substance. In Kratom's case, it takes almost a day or nearly 24 hours to rid half of the substance.

Individuals who wish to undergo rehabilitation, must seek professional medical advice first and raise concerns regarding any of these factors.

What Happens When You Stop Taking Kratom?

As with any drug that has addictive properties, Maeng da kratom may bring harsh withdrawal symptoms that may severely impact a person. Some experts say that people who have taken large amounts of the Kratom dose may experience moderate to severe withdrawal symptoms compared to people who have taken smaller doses of the drug.

Withdrawal symptoms may manifest themselves into two categories: physical and psychological symptoms. As part of the treatment process, however, withdrawal effects come as a trade-off, especially when your body has built tolerance and dependence on Kratom use.

Some of the physical symptoms may include:

  • digestive problems like diarrhea and stomach aches
  • allergy-like symptoms such as a runny nose and watery eyes
  • flu-like symptoms including fever, malaise, nausea, and vomiting
  • jerk-like body movements
  • inability to sleep (insomnia)
  • cardiovascular issues such as heart palpitations and high blood pressure
  • seizures

Meanwhile, withdrawal may also manifest itself psychologically in the form of:

  • mood changes
  • anxiety
  • depression agitation
  • irritability

Withdrawal must be done gradually and under the strict supervision of licensed medical professionals. As a person's system depends heavily on drug use and attending recovery specialists may recommend a particular therapy program to help an individual as they start ceasing drug use.

About Kratom Misuse and Addiction Treatment

Engaging in drug addiction is often a major personal problem that may impact an individual's relationships with their friends, partner, and family, and overall wellbeing. As part of treatment, a mental health professional must first be successful in identifying the cause of someone's addiction.

Usually, three governing factors influence a person's drug misuse. These may be categorized as physical, emotional, and psychological.

Identifying a person whether they're suspected of addiction may also prove to be a challenge for people. However, there are common denominators found in every person who has a substance abuse problem. Some of the usual warning signs include:

  • bloodshot eyes and frequent nosebleeds
  • Isolation
  • Personality changes
  • Aggression
  • Poor performance at work or in school activities

Fortunately, the treatment options for Kratom abuse disorder are readily available thanks to facilities and treatment centers that specialize in this type of drug design. The known treatments for Kratom use disorder include:

  • Therapy - There are various classifications of therapy that may work for a specific type of abuse problem. Behavioral therapy is one of the most common methods used, wherein a patient is encouraged to change their relationship with their addiction.
  • Coaching or mentoring may also be introduced as part of therapy to ensure that an individual follows through with treatment. Adolescent mentoring is proven to be effective, especially in youth addiction recovery.
  • Medication Treatment - Sometimes, resorting to medication may also help a person to improve better given their addiction problem. However, strict supervision will be observed at all times to avoid overdose or problems in the future.

How To Get Help from Kratom Addiction?

If you, a close friend, or a family member is suffering from Kratom addiction, you've come to the right place to find help. Just talk to a recovery specialist, and they will get you started with all you need to know.

They can even direct you to a center nearest to you, so you can avail treatment and therapy while there is still time. Transcend Recovery Community has locations in Los Angeles, Houston, and New York, covering major cities in the country.

Contact us today and our recovery counselors will assist you with the first step you need to take to get you moving to the long-term sobriety you deserve.

Transcend Recovery Community

Transcend Recovery Community family of sober living homes provides a safe place for those undergoing mental health and addiction treatment to live with like-minded peers. Our community-based approach to sober living (similarly to a halfway house) facilitates an open and welcoming environment, where members, staff and team can provide support and encouragement on the path to a sober and healthy life. Transcend's Los Angeles sober living homes are located in some of the most iconic areas of the city, filled with luxurious and upscale amenities, providing plenty to do for those in our transitional housing community.

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