How Long Does CBD Stay in Your System

Cannabidiol Addiction
Addiction Recovery
Addiction Treatment

If the question, "How long does CBD stay in your system?" crossed your mind many times and you're searching for an answer, you're in luck. Transcend Recovery Community will give you the lowdown on this plant-derived substance to enlighten you on the crucial information that you must know. Read on to find out more.

How Long Does CBD Last in the Body and by Type of Drug Tests?

Drug screenings are the best way to find out how long CBD stays in your system. Drug tests screen the presence of chemicals in your body and are the best way to gauge your recovery journey. It also helps you and your doctor figure out the work that's needed to be done to ensure that you'll remain sober throughout the program.

Most drug tests are also used in schools or at work settings to ensure a safe, drug-free environment for all. Here are some drug screening options that are commonly employed at present.

CBD in Urine Tests

When it comes to urine tests, CBD can probably stay for up to three days. Hemp-derived CBD products can be easily metabolized by the body making them almost undetectable.

However, THC metabolites may stay in the urine for up to 15 days. Drug testers may look for metabolites to prove drug use evidence. Urine tests are the most common way of drug screening due to their method to detect THC metabolites.

CBD in Hair Follicle Tests

Hair tests provide a more thorough result when detecting CBD. THC metabolites may stay in the hair follicle for at least 90 days. For people who want a thorough reading, this is another way to detect drugs in your system.

CBD in Saliva Tests

CBD stays in the oral fluid for up to three days. It may even be extended depending on how much and often you use CBD products. Most states allow and tolerate up to 4 nanograms of CBD in a milliliter of saliva.

CBD Detection in Blood Tests

Blood tests are rarely used compared to different drug tests, such as hair and saliva testing. The reason for this is that they are less reliable in noticing full-spectrum CBD. THC is detectable in your bloodstream for at least 5 hours, while CBD traces may remain for at least a week.

However, it's more used to determine if a person is impaired. Therefore, police take blood samples when determining a DUI charge.

A drug test is an important key in keeping people safe and healthy with their relationship with CBD, whether they are classified as CBD isolate, broad-spectrum CBD, or full-spectrum CBD. This may also help physicians gather further data to appropriate a better case management approach for their patients.

What is CBD?

a woman putting a drop of cannabis oil on her drink

CBD or cannabidiol is the second most prevalent active ingredient in cannabis (marijuana). It is derived from the hemp plant, another variant of marijuana. The World Health Organization (WHO) reported that CBD doesn't exhibit any potential for abuse or dependence on the substance.

CBD comes in different forms, like other cannabinoids. You may see hemp-derived CBD in many different CBD products, such as CBD gummies.

The plant-derived substance is currently legal and easily obtainable in most parts of the United States. Further laws have also been enacted while regulation has been eased to explore the many benefits of CBD products.

Some of the noted benefits of using CBD include pain relief, especially in cancer. It also alleviates some symptoms of particular mental health disorders like panic and anxiety disorder.

Determining Factors on How Long CBD Stays in Your System

It takes about two to five (2 - 5) days for CBD to stay in your system. But having said that, this may vary with everyone. Other individuals may take weeks for the CBD product to stay in their system.

There are also several factors to consider as CBD stays in your system. Here are some of the factors that you need to consider.

  • Amount of CBD you use - Similar to other drugs and illicit substances, such as Suboxone, higher doses mean CBD stays for longer inside your body too.
  • Frequency of CBD use - People who suffer from constant substance abuse and consume CBD more frequently will have a harder time getting rid of the drug in their system. The reason is that CBD builds up within our system through time--most especially if you are a frequent user. However, if you just use it occasionally and under strict doctor's orders, it will clear from your system much quicker.
  • Physical factors - We are all made differently. That's why you can be affected by how long CBD stays in your system depending on your body mass index, water content, and metabolism.
  • Food intake - The amount and quality of food you consume play a huge role in how long CBD stays in your system. CBD taken with an empty stomach means you can have the drug metabolized faster. However, a fuller stomach will slow down digestion.

As drugs stay in your system longer, it may affect how your body can recover and fully become sober. You must discuss this with your mental health specialist to help them recommend the best treatments that will suit your current situation.

What Happens When You Stop Taking CBD?

Once an individual makes a conscious decision to stop taking CBD and reform their lives, the next difficult phase is to fully wean themselves from CBD drug dependence. Heavy users, both recreational and medical, are most at risk to experience harsh withdrawal symptoms.

An article released by the Michigan Health Lab supports this stating that more than half of people using CBD experience multiple withdrawal symptoms as a result.

Some of the symptoms felt by users who stopped taking CBD include:

  • Physical symptoms such as:
  • abdominal pain
  • tremors
  • sweating
  • fever
  • chills
  • headache
  • Mental health or psychological symptoms such as:
  • anxiety
  • depressed mood
  • Irritability
  • Decreased appetite leading to weight loss

It's important to understand to begin withdrawal gradually as instructed by your consulting physician for relapse prevention. It also avoids the patient from suffering excruciating pain and discomfort caused by an abrupt stop.

About CBD Misuse and Addiction

Going through addiction is never easy and has brought trauma not just to the one suffering, but to the people surrounding them. But it's crucial to understand how addiction or drug misuse occurs in a person.

Let's first look at various factors:

  • Drug addiction history in the family - If you have family members who have experienced abusing CBD products or CBD oils, you'll most likely too. However, men and women have an equal likelihood to turn to substance abuse.
  • Psychological disorders - People suffering from mental health issues such as PTSD, anxiety, or depression may have a higher chance of resorting to addiction as their form of escape.
  • Drug use in early years - Youth who have engaged in drug use would probably welcome addiction in their later years. As a child's brain is still forming, drugs may greatly impact it as well.
  • Problems with relationships at home - People with family troubles, especially with parents undergoing a divorce or constant bickering with their siblings, may drive them to engage in drugs as their form of escape.

An individual who plans to take the first step toward sobriety must receive proper guidance, which is true, especially in young adults. Adolescent mentoring can help teens cope better with addiction.

How To Get Help from CBD Addiction?

The first step that you could do to get help with this particular addiction is to reach out to a mental health recovery partner. From there, they'll first assess your case to give you a correct diagnosis of your situation. Most likely, a drug test would also follow as part of the data they would need.

A program would then be recommended to you, which could either be an inpatient or outpatient drug rehab program. The individual may then opt to continue recovering while staying in recovery homes to receive further supportive living and assistance with their progress.

If you or someone you know is suffering from CBD addiction, help can easily be sent your way. Reach out and contact our recovery specialists at Transcend Recovery Community and get the help you need today.

Transcend Recovery Community

Transcend Recovery Community family of sober living homes provides a safe place for those undergoing mental health and addiction treatment to live with like-minded peers. Our community-based approach to sober living (similarly to a halfway house) facilitates an open and welcoming environment, where members, staff and team can provide support and encouragement on the path to a sober and healthy life. Transcend's Los Angeles sober living homes are located in some of the most iconic areas of the city, filled with luxurious and upscale amenities, providing plenty to do for those in our transitional housing community.

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